World Healing Meditation


Here's a great toning exercise, not just a meditation since you can also do it with eyes open.

This meditation, if done regularly, using the AH-sound may help facilitate healing of the body (just like when using the voice to sound OM). But as said in the introduction of the audio, which is a mere 11min. long (so, it won't take up much of your time), you're particularly called to visualize the healing of the planet. Which would have the greatest benefit if many people would do it simultaneously. This works because we're all interconnected, as many scientists and scholars nowadays suggest and as has been known by mystics of various spiritual and religious schools of thought for eons. The maker of this meditation Jonathan Goldman states: 

"People often tone at 12 noon in their local time zone, and as always, we encourage the sounding of the "Ah" by yourself or with a group at any time during the course of the day."

So, if more and more people in your time zone start doing this exercise daily or regularly at noon, then it will have an effect, not just on the planet, but most likely also on the collective consciousness (or "collective unconscious") as a whole.

Happy AH-ing!

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