The Real Toltec Prophecies: Predictions of the Aztec Calendar
After my long blog post about Earth's Major Cycles & Current Transitions, here finally a deeper dive into predictions that seem to agree with many of the main-points presented there.
Firstly, I'd like to whole-heartedly recommend you to go and buy the book off of which over about 90% of the information on this post here is taken from: The Real Toltec Prophecies: How the Aztec Calendar Predicted Modern-Day Events and Reveals a Pathway to a New Era of Humankind
It's a pretty little book that includes exercises and meditations and valuable tips that I'm not putting here. You could read it in a day, if you're a fast reader, or finish it within just a couple of days, reading a couple of pages at a time, the way I did.
reminds me of my third or fourth day into it, when an interesting synchronicity
happened (see bottom of this post).
When we close our eyes, we can only look inside, into darkness, into our unconscious, which is known in the Toltec tradition as our underworlds, the place where our dreams create our experience in the waking world.
In our dreams we create our waking experiences. For example, pandemics are normally related to violent dreams.
Magaña teaches how to lessen the violence in our dreams as well as provide
other ways forward. He says that we must all play our part in the transition
from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun - the metaphoric meanings of which are explained here/in his book.
I do hope Sergio and/or his publisher will/would understand the reasons behind putting most of the essential parts out accessible to the public for free, in case they would come across this post, and do hope for them to see & agree that this is about much more than book sales or any [illusory] copyrights. However, I still would like to extend an apology to the respective parties for putting all of this here without (having asked for) permission.
According to the Toltec and Aztec wisdom, one time cycle gives way to another in exactly the same way. These time cycles are known as "Suns".
Each lasts,
or "reigns", for 6.625 years, with 29 years being shared with the
previous Sun and the following Sun during each transition.
Magaña received these teachings from a man called Hugo Nahui, whom he had met
under strange circumstances, with Hugo to have told Sergio that the latter was to teach the knowledge to many people, which the former had once received from his own teacher himself.
The teachings that had the greatest impact on me were the ones about the Long Count of central Mexico, the Toltec and Aztec count, which differed by nine years from the well-known Mayan Long Count and which talked about the end of the cycle nurturing human catastrophobia as well as a new humanity. ~Sergio Magaña
The Long Count
"Hugo Nahui's first teachings were about the Aztec calendar. It was called that because the well-known Sun stone depicting it was carved during the Aztec era, but it is actually a compilation of the wisdom of many cultures - the Teotihuacan, the Toltec, and finally the Aztec. Hugo told me that the real name of the calendar was Cuauhxicalli, the house of the eagle, or nahui ollin, four movements."
The four movements correspond to the Náhuatl cultures' observations that there was a constant in the universe that was expressed not only through the cycles of the days, months, and years, but also through the larger cycles of the universe: the number four, repeating over and over on every scale, from the smallest moment to the longest era, making our universe cyclical and predictable.
The four movements are represented in the center of the calendar by a sun, which many people mistakenly think is sticking its tongue out, but actually the "tongue" is a pedernal, a flintstone knife of justice, which represents the Fifth Sun (our ending cycle). The four squares surrounding it represent the four previous Suns, or the four movements of the day, the moon, and the year.
I realise more than ever that it is the calendar's presentation of repeated cycles based on the matrix of four that makes it the most outstanding prophetic instrument of the ancient world.
Finally, another place where the Long Count was calculated, and even became the strongest influence on the collective consciousness, was in the Mayan and Toltec cultures, whose foundation was the number four, the matrix of the universe. Therefore, the ancient Toltecs and Aztecs divided the precession of the equinoxes into cycles of four, which they called Suns.
One of the things that got my attention during that first lesson was when my teacher said, "Have you seen what's being written about the end of the world and/or the golden race arriving in the year 2012?"
Which - to move away from the book for a moment - very much reminds of the "unutterable" four-letter name
of God: YHWH and how in the Divine or Hermetic Tarot it is numbered via the form of a cross,
read anti-clockwise and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, representing the active (1),
the passive (2), the neuter (3) and a second active principles (4) respectively. This is then
how everything keeps repeating based on the number four (and also three, with the four becoming the one in the next round and so on) in the tarot, in a similar way described in these prophecies. Moreover:
- The series 1, 2, 3, 4 represents the emanation of the sequence king, queen, knight, knave, in the divine world.
- The series 4, 5, 6, 7 represents this evolution in the human world.
- The series 7, 8, 9, 10 represents this evolution in the material world.
Each suit is a complete whole, formed like intelligent beings:
- Of a material body: Knight - 7, 8, 9
- Of a vital force: Queen - 4, 5, 6
- Of an intellect: King - 1, 2, 3
- Of reproductive organs: Knave - 10
Each of these parts can subdivide itself into three others, as the numbers indicate.
"The tarot is a perfect symbolic picture of the cosmos as seen through the eyes of man. Tarot also reflects the many facts of man in his environment.
The catalytic nature of tarot enables it to portray all possible relationships that can develop within the human sphere and the environment of the cosmos. Thus, the concept of the microcosm within the macrocosm is fully expressed.
The tarot is a mirror of reality. Its construction, based on the four elements, the celestial phenomena, the Holy Quabalah, and a very evolved psychology, can lead its devotees to the inner recesses of psychic and intuitive awareness."
Apparently, not any and every Tarot will produce correct/good results (and it takes a fair amount of learning time). If this still gets you interested, look primarily for cards or tarot readers trained in the Tarot of the Bohemians, or The Hermetic Tarot Deck (and just as I'm writing this, I've received mine: a deck I just recently had come across after a long lookout, as I felt that it would have to be the "right one"). Even a combination with Astrology can be acceptable or perhaps even better. But don't be afraid of symbolism. Rather learn and try to uncover its true & hidden meanings. It's what can connect your intuition and soul's wisdom to higher knowledge.
An example for misunderstood symbolism, the eye on and inside a pyramid, according to author, astrologer, and clairvoyant medium Armandi Ellis:
The power of transformation, the phoenix on its pile, the awakened one.
The Illuminati eye. What she sees when looking at it is: "watch how you spin this money".
Our inheritance
"At first glance, the Toltec tales of previous Suns seem preposterous. However, once we get familiar with the Toltecs' way of thinking, we start to understand that they were using metaphors to describe historical events."
[And meanwhile, people like Gregg Braden have shown that, referring to time moving in cycles, certain patterns indeed very much tend to repeat. Not the actual events repeat of course, but merely those patterns, as in the magnitude of events. Which strongly seems to suggest and to link with other texts/myths/theories that refer to God having laid out (or dreamt up) all of history before the Universe actually came into being (for an example see the introduction of the Book of Dzyan). Which again links to the Eternal Now, and time existing merely in the now-moment, and which makes that which we perceive as time or space-time very flexible and bendable. Just most of us cannot perceive it that way as of yet.]
The very first thing we need to understand is that the Suns, the periods of 6.625 years, were compared to specific moments in a day. We need to consider this when using this ancient tradition prophetically.
The 4 Suns
The First Sun: The Sun of the Jaguar
- Metaphorically reigns from sunset to midnight
- Regarded as a sun of darkness
- No movement; Great stability
- Human decay began by a lack of honesty, a burden we have been carrying ever since
The Second Sun: The Sun of the Wind
- Midnight to dawn - just as the Sixth Sun will. So, the Sixth Sun will have some of the features of the Second
- It is said that humanity turned into apes or monkeys: In the ancient Toltec tradition, the ape or monkey is the archetype that symbolises pleasure, dance, and sex, and is associated with creativity
- At least at its high-point (midnight), a time of relative happiness, creativity and pleasure
- Midnight: time for manifesting dreams without any moral framework
- Humanity started to lose strength of will, discipline and purpose through all forms of excess (see Sodom and Gomorrah)
- The great trap is refusing to
change until everything is blown away
The Third Sun: The Sun of Fire
- Metaphorically reigned from dawn to midday, the two moments of the day when the sun is the main force and provides more masculine qualities
- This Sun's legacy is one of our most profound lessons
- Humans became turkeys: The turkey symbolises the ego
- The turkey represents the illusion of feeling superior to others, the illusion in the best-looking, wealthiest, and most successful people are usually trapped - conversely, it can also represent the illusion of feeling inferior to others
The Fourth Sun: The Sun of Water
- Midday to Sunset; considered a day sun, one of masculine dominance, although sunset is a much more feminine force and a time when everything that affects the collective consciousness happens during the unconscious state
- Floods - either literal or metaphorical (or both): In the Toltec tradition, the element of Water represents emotions and change. So, it would mean great change on many levels.
- We are in the midst of great changes as well, whether we like it or not - and we must all consider to do our part, no matter how small, to help raise the collective consciousness
It is easy to see that we need to eradicate this legacy of the Fourth Sun - the ideas that we are here to suffer, that we must just put up with things, and that the rich will never get to heaven. The Earth is a wonderful place that can be a paradise or a crucifixion - it is totally up to us.
The Fifth Sun: The Sun of the Flintstone Knife
- Ends at the end of 2021 - Here we are as a human species, sharing the inheritance of the Suns that have gone before and ignoring the heavy burden we are all carrying as a result of incarnation on this planet at this time.
- Represented by the well-known image of the sun with the flintstone-knife tongue seen on the Aztec calendar - usually mistaken for the Mayan calendar
- Has lasted from sunset to midnight (like the First Sun), which means it started during the masculine vibration of the day and should have taken on a more feminine or at least more balanced energy around 6.000 years ago
- Instead, something unusual happened and a highly controlling masculine and solar hegemony was brought about by means of the dark arts: suppression of women, minorities and particularly races and the creation of patriarchal religions
In "Shamballa: The Sacred Path of the Warrior", Chögyam Trungpa introduces the concept of "Drala": "The energy that is neither for you nor against you. An energy beyond dualism, beyond aggression."
"To invoke drala is to manifest the vision of The Great Eastern Sun (the morning sun). Which is the expression of true human goodness, based not on arrogance or aggression (as symbolized by the setting sun), but on gentleness and openness. It is the way of the warrior."
"The Great Eastern Sun: When we say sun here, we mean the sun of human dignity, the sun of human power. The Great Eastern Sun is a rising sun instead of a setting sun, so it represents a dawning, or awakening of human dignity - the rising of human warriorship. Synchronising mind and body brings the dawn of the Great Eastern Sun."
In Meditation practices, one may at times get to hear to meditate facing towards the East, which seems to offer benefits.
"The way of the Great Eastern Sun is based on seeing that there is a natural source of radiance and brilliance in this world - which is the innate wakefulness of human beings.
The dawn of the Great Eastern Sun is based on actual experience. It is not a concept. You realize that you can uplift yourself, that you can appreciate your existence as a human being."
![The Tibetan Flag, introduced by the XIII. Dalai Lama (1876-1933) in the twenties of the 20th century, showing a white triangle with a rising golden sun in front of a blue background with ray-formed and arranged red triangles. In the foreground two snow lions and among them a blue-red ying-yang-symbol and a flaming gem.](
The Shift to the Sixth Sun
According to Hugo:
In the central Mexican count, the change will be gradual, just as in nature, when dawn slowly pierces the veil of darkness, giving rise to a new day.
The veil is the time between 1991 and 2021, when the reign of the Sixth Sun will start.
This shift started with the solar eclipse of July 11th, 1991, which was seen in Hawaii, Mexico City, and parts of South America. That was when the Sixth Sun started taking over, little by little, from the Fifth Sun.
The Suns would exert the same amount of influence over the collective consciousness on December 21st, 2012.
After that midpoint, the Fifth Sun would gradually start losing power until a lunar eclipse on May 26th, 2021, would mark its setting.
However, the collapse of the old system would still be impacting us until the ceremony of the New Fire - a ceremony held by the peoples of central Mexico, including Toltecs and Aztecs - on November 24th, 2026, which would mark the birth of a new stage in the collective consciousness of humanity.
He mentioned that the last nine years of the transition would be the most complicated for us, since we would have to go through our underworlds.
The transition
The Toltec count aligns perfectly with the prophecy told by Hugo:
The change will begin with
The eclipse of July 11th, 1991.
Relatedly, in a channeled message from Q'uo from 1991, there is a reference to changes:
"These are times when a few people who discipline their minds and their thoughts, can make a tremendous difference upon your planet. Not only in terms of the people of your planet, but in terms of the comfort in the planet itself, as it moves through the last of the birthing process."
The first 20 years or so will see
external changes
For the most part, but internal changes
Will gradually become apparent.
A point is made in the book about the technology that came since 1991:
- accessing the internet through bandwidth expansion, which eventually led to...
- Cell phones
- Photoshop
Little by little, direct communication with the external world was reduced. Emails and text messages arrived, replacing human contact, direct speech, letters, and phone calls.
Imperceptibly, technology began to generate an inner lockdown, a voluntary one, where we remained within ourselves. As I wrote this book, we had an outer lockdown that was mandatory.
On the plus-side, in those years, Buddhism expanded in the East, and meditation, yoga, astrology, and other spiritual subjects and practices began to be more widely known in the West.
The importance of the Pleiades
"Despite not being visible to the naked eye, the Pleiades were particularly important to many ancient cultures, such as the Celts, Greeks, Mexicans and Hawaiians.
The sun takes 26.500 years to orbit the Pleiades.
The Pleiades are now in a position in the universe that makes it possible for us to change our destiny in this new Sun by combining the energy of the repeat position with that of the new one to gain a better outcome.
A Lesson on Honesty
The great lesson of the First Sun was that lack of honesty brought ruin. So, this is a good time to ask ourselves: "Am I being honest? Am I being honest with myself, about my feelings, about my beliefs, and in what I say? Or is the collective speaking through me? Am I just parroting what I've been told my entire life?"
As we move into the Sixth Sun, we need to be honest with ourselves. Take a moment to reflect on the questions:
- Who do I believe I am?
- Who am I?
- How would I like to spend this transition?
- Am I willing to change and enter a different world without missing the previous one?
Next, we should evaluate our governments and mainstream media [and shall I add, doctors and the health care systems that are in place]. Can they be trusted? Are they telling us the truth? Are they pushing an agenda, and if so, what and why?
We should draw our own conclusions and consider whether we are creating something new or simply repeating patterns ingrained in our unconscious for the last 26.500 years.
In the Second Sun, the weaknesses that ultimately wiped people out were fear of change, laziness and lack of discipline.
I believe that with these very things are the Achilles heel of humanity today.
How are you facing the current crisis? Paralyzed, afraid, just hoping that normal life will be restored?
Are you making the changes you need to look after yourself, be at peace with yourself and adapt to the new phase (cycle/age)? Or are you too lazy? Believe me, if you are sitting in front of the TV or your phone, just waiting for things to get back to normal, you are under the influence of the Second Sun, and what happened then was that the Wind arrived and swept everything away.
The Wind is old energy - karma, if you want to see it that way - and it will do the same this time around, so those who don't want to change will be forced to or perish.
But all is not lost: if we learn the lessons of the First and Second Suns as we transition from the Fifth to the Sixth, new possibilities will open up for us."
The Sixth Sun is called "the White Sun". "White refers to the prophecy of Quetzalcóatl, the essence of God or white energy, or Quequetzalcóatl, plural, meaning 'those in whom the serpent rises', the serpent being the Mexican equivalent of the kundalini of Eastern traditions.
So, the Quequetzalcóatl are those who have acquired previous knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. In other traditions, such people are known as avatars, or those with Christ Consciousness, or Buddha nature.
This prophecy is telling us that it is worth the effort to overcome the obstacles of these times, adapt to the new order and seek spiritual knowledge. We may even think that it refers to us personally and that we can reach enlightenment in the new Sun.
"As you use your freewill - the most powerful creative device in the universe - and choose to question the way you look at the world, this precipitates transformation in the world." ~Quote from "A Year of Forgiveness", channeled by Tina Louise Spalding
An important part of Hugo's prophecy was about the idea that from 2012 to 2021, humanity would pass through its underworlds...
The Underworlds
"The Egyptians, Mayans and Toltecs, among others, believed that the sun died every evening to be reborn the following day, so "the underworld" was a metaphorical way of describing one of the places we go at night when we sleep.
As our dreams create a large part of our waking experience, our underworlds are in fact places of creation. They are the places where we face all our unresolved problems, our unconscious negative patterns, our inertia and self-destructiveness, our negative ancestral legacy and our "old Winds", our karma.
In the Toltec tradition, there are nine of these underworlds.
They are all described metaphorically. They exist on a collective as well as a personal level. We all make a personal contribution to the collective underworlds [the "collective unconscious"].
Consequently, we cannot avoid responsibility for any of them. What we can do is analyze how we have contributed to them. Then we can accept our responsibility and make changes accordingly.
We are going through our underworlds on a collective level during this time of transition at a rate of one year per underworld, but the previous underworlds are continuing to have an influence on us as well.
2013: The First Underworld
- Crossing from one river to another: crossing from the waking state to the dream state and from life to death
- The process whereby technology, video games, and social networking are turning our attention from the external world hasn't ended yet, and one way or another we will be forced to cross the river and look inside ourselves
2014: The Second Underworld
- Two mountains are divided by a path and every time we want to walk between the mountains, they move together, crushing us and sending us back to the beginning of the path - Which is representative of all the destructive patterns that we repeat time and time again, both as individuals and as a collective.
- Even two World Wars and the complete destruction of many civilizations have not been enough for us, collectively speaking.
- We always start over, seeing one another as strangers or enemies, in spite of our shared humanity.
- We still are feeling this influence now, as nationalism is rising and we are even seeing race riots
"The way to break free from this underworld is to acknowledge these patterns, then decide how we can achieve what we want without them, without laziness, and without a lack of discipline."
2015: The Third Underworld
- This is a hill covered with obsidian knives, on which we cut ourselves every time we walk over them, metaphorically meaning: an addiction to suffering
- On a collective level this reminds of the Fifth Sun
We need to resolve to change - on a collective level.
We can do it. It's actually easier to take advantage of the current lockdown to make changes, initially on a personal level, than to cling to the outdated ideas and suffering of the previous Sun.
2016: The Fourth Underworld
- A place of freezing Winds where we are all covered with a layer of ice that prevents us from moving, which goes against the spiritual truth that movement and change are inevitable
- This influence is becoming more evident now because it has combined with that of the second underworld
- Being frozen into destructive patterns has led to the revival of outdated political views and movements
- Sadly, things may get even worse before we thaw out enough to move in a different direction
2017: The Fifth Underworld
- A place where fierce Winds blow a flag incessantly, symbolising the influence of our ancestors: which can include ancestral karma and negative family patterns, but its patterns or curses can be broken through effort and will. - We now are in need to do this on a collective level.
- Traumas, according to epigenetics, are handed down from generation to generation - which, if left unresolved, can have unfortunate physical and emotional consequences
2018: The Sixth Underworld
- In the Toltec tradition this is a place where wild beasts devour our heart, causing us eternal suffering - it being a very powerful metaphor for destructive emotions
2019: The Seventh Underworld
- We are hunted and wounded by arrows - however, if we avoid being wounded, we can escape from death
- "The arrows represent our words. Therefore, in this underworld we are hunted and wounded by all the words that we have uttered that have been without wisdom. By "words", I am also referring to thoughts."
Before you contemplate your personal contribution to this collective underworld, I would like to ask you a question: "What do you use when you speak or think, flowers or arrows? Ask yourself about the effect of your words and thoughts on yourself and others. Now you will be able to understand your personal contribution to this underworld.
On the collective level, the power of words and thoughts is more palpable every day, since more information is becoming available day by day, thanks to technology. This should help us to evolve; in other words, to bring flowers to our individual lives as well as to humanity.
Furthermore, we need to consider the arrows that look like flowers but just undermine us, and even our faith in humanity.
2020: The Eighth Underworld
- In Toltec mythology, described as a pitch-black place, and when people or souls find themselves there, they don't know which way to go
- An underworld of uncertainty (nothing could better describe the world we are living in)
We should all take note of the political elections and international affairs of the next few years, because then it will become clear to us if, as a collective consciousness, we are still aligning with the Fifth Sun or opening up to the Sixth Sun.
2021: The Ninth Underworld
- This is a place where we find peace, not only in death but also in rest
- Ask yourself: "Am I in peace with myself? Have I been able to accept what is going on?" If your answer is "No", you still have many lessons to learn before the arrival of the Sixth Sun
Despite the fact that the Long Count will finish with the lunar eclipse of May 26th, 2021, the influence of this underworld will not end until the arrival of the New Fire on November 24th, 2026. Hence, we still have time to contribute positively to the collective underworlds.
My personal path [as the owner of this blog]
As for my personal path, which has led me to move to Vietnam towards the latter third of 2011, with great difficulties in the following years, that would only gradually improve from year to year, having slowly worked myself up in the photo/video field.
I was living in Saigon in 2012 when I ran out of money and was struggling to find work. So, this was one year before 2013, which is described in the Toltec Prophecies as the First Underworld, which meant "Crossing from one river to another".
Some of these things seem analogous to my actual experiences, therefore a lot, to me, happened literally: I was forced to move around a lot. My visa was soon expired as well; which I was not able to renew for the following about 3 years. Initially, I had used Couchsurfing for several months, which was quite easy to use back then. Fast forward a few years, in 2018, I ended up leaving Vietnam, having hoped to find better opportunities in Thailand. I stayed in Cambodia for a month and exactly the last day of April was when my Cambodia visa had expired. So, my birthday, the 1st of May, was the day when I entered the Thailand border. In January of the following year, I had my (rude) "awakening" in Chiang Mai.
"2019: We are hunted and wounded by arrows - however, if we avoid being wounded, we can escape from death."
I had left Chiang Mai under strange circumstances on a bicycle together with my dog three days after my awakening at the beginning of January of 2019, and a few days later had ended up in a prison cell due to an expired visa. About three weeks later, I was on a plane back to Germany.
In 2020, I took to Mallorca, where I also ran into financial difficulties quickly. I left Mallorca for a neighboring Island called Menorca a few months later.
"2020: A pitch-black place, and when people or souls find themselves there, they don't know which way to go."
This is indeed what happened to me personally. I've experienced terror and torment. Nothing happened to me physically (apart from having moved around on the Island..). But let's just say, psychological terror. It went over the course of a few days; I returned to Germany and at some point, these things had faded. Only to return again over a month later to come up over the course of a couple of weeks on and off.
From early December 2020 until now, things have clearly improved and stabilized. As in, I started looking into spiritual texts again, researching about good vs. evil and reorient myself and regain trust that in reality, all is truly well and that something of a different order had been going on. And, as it seemed, there may have been deeper reasons. The scope of which, and the possibility that it might go beyond a personal lesson from the universe, could perhaps reveal itself through these lines - or at least the potentialities are there.
"2021: A place where we find peace."
Indeed that
is how it has felt for me/how I've experienced these last few months. - Even though on the surface things may have appeared difficult still for me from the point of view of those having seen my posts on social media, or at least recently perhaps when I posted about that there seemed to have been attempts of psychic attacks still.
The Uncertain Presence - A Transformation Process in Four Steps
Before Sergio Magana started with the writing of this book, he had reconnected with Hugo on April 26th, 2020, during the global lockdown:
"Back in the almost deserted airport on April 26th, after going through security, I had another call with Hugo. During this conversation, I commented on the accuracy of the Toltec prophecies in the Long Count and asked whether he could elaborate on the information. He gladly agreed. That is how I obtained such a complete and accurate account of what is currently happening."
Hugo then told him that the teachings Hugo had received from his teacher, Estaban, would (unsurprisingly) have four main steps:
Step 1: The Sphere of Fear
The first step is what we might call the Sphere of Fear. Fear of catastrophes, including pandemics, is an ancient one, based on what humanity has experienced in the past. It is inherent in all of us.
We may react to this fear in one of two ways. The first is by falling into the fourth underworld - the underworld of fear of change, laziness, and lack of discipline.
It seems that the majority of people worldwide have done precisely this. They remain at home watching TV, hoping for a cure or vaccine to be found and normal life to resume. That life has gone and change is inevitable, but they won't face up to the fact. Instead, they cling to the world of the Fifth Sun and feel unnerved and stressed. So, on a collective level, we are seeing personal relationships starting to deteriorate, leading to increased domestic violence and even cruelty toward animals.
On the other hand, there are also people who have used their fear during this time of isolation as motivation for self-development. They have reevaluated their lives and made the changes they could. They have sought information and taken up meditation and other spiritual practices.
Step 2: Economic Collapse
The second step in this transformation process would be, Hugo indicated, economic collapse on a level never seen in the modern world. Even as I write, millions of jobs have been lost around the world, and many specialists predict that the economy will continue to contract, with 2021 likely to be a time of economic upheaval.
In the same way as the Sphere of Fear, this process may be experienced in two completely different ways. Most people will react with fear and paralysis, hoping the government will support them or resolve the situation for them. Others will adapt, innovate, develop new income streams, become self-employed, and create new jobs for others, turning the situation into an opportunity to create new ways of supporting themselves, often ones that are more environmentally friendly.
The ability to adapt is one of the highest qualities of people of the Sixth Sun, since this is a night Sun, and changes made in dreams manifest almost instantly. So, these entrepreneurs and visionaries are moving with the times - into the Sixth Sun.
Step 3: A Great Technological Revolution
The third step in this great transformation is the one that, to me, offers both interesting and alarming possibilities. As already mentioned, the influence of the Sixth Sun began with a great technological revolution. To understand how this may progress, we briefly need to recap the characteristics of the day and night Suns:
Day Suns: During these Suns, just as when we are awake with our eyes open, we are focusing mostly on the outer world, which creates traditions and trends in the collective. It is easy for us to follow collective beliefs, such as God being an external energy that may hear our prayers or heal us. It is also easy for us to look to the outside world for satisfaction. This is where ambition, neediness, and the struggle to possess more come from.
Night Suns: Metaphorically speaking, during these Suns we are sleeping. Our external vision is temporarily suspended and we turn inward, listening to the inner voice that helps us to understand our psyche, our underworlds, and whether we are suffering or not. If we have undertaken spiritual development, we may have lucid dreams and understand that the origin of many of our waking experiences lies in our dreams. If we go beyond this, we may see the mind before matter, our true nature behind our external appearance, and escape our reflection, or the illusion that is before us.
We have already seen that we are moving from a day Sun into a night one, and our shift of perception has been gradual, via technology. Today, computers and cell phones are many people's main interface with the world. But, as Hugo told me that afternoon, "As a result of solar activity and other important factors, technology will start to fail more and more frequently." [The actual reason for climate change in fact being, as it seems, that the entire solar system is warming up.]
I have to say I personally experienced mobile networks and online banking becoming less reliable during the coronavirus pandemic. According to Hugo, this will continue to the point of complete failure. Spiritually speaking, this will show the people who have pinned all their hopes on a technological future that technology is not the solution. Furthermore, not being able to look outside themselves through technological devices will force them to look inward. This will be hard for many, but as a species, it could bring us great opportunities to adapt our collective mindset and finally see the truth that mind comes before matter.
This may in turn bring an end to absurd ideas such as racism and gender inequity and enable us to work toward living in peace on our beautiful planet.
If this does not happen, and equality is not brought about between certain groups in power and the rest of the world, there are wild rumors that people trained in the knowledge and practices of ancient civilizations could be forced to work with the sun to destroy satellites, and other forms of technology that are controlling populations, and save the planet from annihilation.
Step 4: Days of Rage
Hugo mentioned that anger, violence, rioting and looting would rise at the end of the Fifth Sun, the Sun of Rage. Of course in just the few months since our conversation took place, we have been witness to massive protests in the name of racial justice, and rioting, looting and chaos increase with every passing day. We do not know where it will all end.
On the other hand, I'm seeing a very different phenomenon taking place at the same time, and with a lot less publicity. During lockdown, many people have found peace, serenity and joy in the simple things in life, from the patter of rain to small gatherings of friends and family. This is very encouraging and may ultimately lead to self-sufficient communities living in harmony.
In this, we can clearly observe the two Suns expressing themselves: the Fifth Sun through rage and destruction; the Sixth Sun through quiet harmony. Ask yourself which Sun is influencing you more...
A New Cycle
Before the ceremony of the New Fire on November 24th, 2026, several cosmic events will take place.
After the Earth, the second most powerful feminine force in the Toltec cosmology is Yohulpa, the night.
Physicists describe darkness as a force that absorbs and transforms anything attracted to it, and although we have not realized it yet, when we are in deep Delta wave sleep, the darkness is purifying us.
Also, the sun in this position marks the recognition and rise of the divine feminine on this planet. Therefore, for the first time, Yohualpa will be selective: in other words, darkness will not cleanse those who refuse to accept gender equality and to respect the Earth.
Consequently, there will be even more of a polarity between people who will adapt to the new conditions and start living healthily and in peace, and those who will cling to what they know and suffer adversity, not only as a result of the pandemic, but also their rigid and intolerant thoughts and feelings.
Later this year, the Catholic Church and other august institutions, in an attempt to hang on to power, will hold an important council and plan to allow women and other minorities to occupy top positions. However, a large sector of the population, including many important industrialists, will oppose these changes, causing friction around the world, since unless these measures are taken, recovery will be stalled not only by the pandemic, but also by the stagnant economy.
So, according to the prophecies, we will come to the lunar eclipse of 2021, which marks the beginning of the path through the heavens that leads to a new cycle.
2021-2022: The first Heaven, the Heaven of the Moon, the Winds, and the Waters
- Difficult challenges are to be expected: The Black Wind of the North, which causes disease and economic crises, will continue to affect us, preventing the Blue Wind of the South from removing the thorns on our path.
However, if a good number of people start honoring the sacred feminine essence of the moon and the world of dreams, together with the purifying Red Wind of the West, we will start to witness more favorable conditions as well as the beginning of a rebalancing of masculine and feminine energies on the planet.
2022-2023: The Second Heaven, the Heaven of the Sun
- Holds importance in determining the influence of the next Sun on a human level - which will depend entirely on the decisions previously made by world leaders and the evolution of the collective consciousness of humanity
According to the Toltecs, there were two totally different suns [the Hopi speak of two different "paths"]: the sun of Quetzalcóatl, which encouraged people to develop spiritually; and the sun of Tezcatlipoca, which taught them harsh lessons through famine, misfortune and war. This is similar to how the Egyptian solar goddess Sekhmet could bestow either pestilence, hardship and misfortune or new life on the pharaoh and the Egyptian people.
This year, the collective consciousness of humanity will decide whether the sun of Tezcatlipoca will bring new pandemics or wars, or the sun of Quetzalcóatl will give us some respite. Therefore, this could be a year when we will be suffering another pandemic or a great war, or when we will start recovering.
2023-2024: The Third Heaven, the Heaven of Venus and the Pleiades
- Crucial in the development of a new world view: inevitably women will seek equality and refuse to be treated as sex objects or baby factories any longer, due to the influence of the planet Venus
In the Toltec culture, the "Venus of the sunset", the evening star, was considered the star of the nahual, the world of dreams. So, it will be this year that the hidden jewel of all traditions, the power of dreams, will be revealed to the world at large and everyone will finally understand that we are made up of two parts: the conscious mind of our waking state and the unconscious mind of our dreams [according to these teachings: the energy of creation]. We will begin dream training together, much as we go to yoga or meditation classes at present.
Sadly, the location of our sun this year with respects to the Pleiades will make people cling to the world of the Fifth Sun, which will cause a lot of deaths from war, economic depression and crop failure due to pests. These people will be destined to come back in lineages that have adapted to the new order and whose genetics will make it easier for them to make the changes that they couldn't make in their previous life.
2023-2024: The Fourth Heaven, the Heaven of All Stars
This refers to the birth of a son/sun or illuminated being from a virgin mother.
This is a story found in many cultures. In the Mexican version, Mother Earth, when suddenly a feather penetrated her, making her pregnant with the rising sun. When the moon and her sisters the stars knew that their mother was pregnant, they got jealous and decided to kill her in order to prevent the birth of the new sun. Mother Earth was very worried about this conspiracy, but then she heard a voice coming from her womb, saying, "Don't worry, I will defend you." So, when the moon arrived with her sisters to murder Mother Earth, the rising sun was born, and with a serpent of fire, he defeated the moon and stars. This symbolizes the triumph of the sun every morning over the moon and stars. It also symbolizes the triumph of masculine (day) Suns over feminine (night) Suns. As we have seen, these alternate, triumphing over each other in an ongoing cycle.
Metaphorically speaking, it will be during these years that the moon and stars will defeat the sun, marking the beginning of the reign of the feminine Sun, night, and the world of dreams.
Globally, this will see the establishment of a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly economic system.
New forms of spirituality that include the Goddess and nature will emerge, as will more self-sustaining communities. Yet ironically, these developments will bring even more conflict, due to resistance by corporations and other old economic systems and ways of thinking.
2024-2025: The Fifth Heaven, the Heaven of Comets and Shooting Stars
For the ancient Mexicans, this heaven was representative of everything in the universe being in constant movement, a concept that seems normal nowadays. However, if we think about it, this heaven was formulated by cultures that existed thousands of years ago, and even 500 years ago the European view was still the geocentric one that everything revolved around the Earth.
For us, this will be a year of movement, an unpredictable one of sudden and spectacular change. It is predicted that this year will see earthquakes, there will be a lot of suffering, and the whole world will be forced to change or perish.
2025-2026: The Sixth Heaven, the Heaven of Movement
For the ancient Mexican cultures, the universe is movement created in the mind of the Black Eagle, Centeotl, or God, which is inevitably based on the number four. This year that cosmic movement will bring the 11th New Fire ceremony (on Nov. 24th, 2026). This ceremony takes place every 52 years and marks the perfect alignment of Orion's Belt and the Pleiades, which is the start of a new cycle.
So, this will be the year when, either in a harmonious and peaceful way or forcibly, through upheaval and chaos, we will accept the new world of the Sixth Sun - a world of gender equality, a world of inner rather than outer focus, a world in which facing and solving the problems in our underworlds will be our only means of survival.
2026-2027: The Seventh Heaven, the White Heaven or the Heaven of the Moon
And so we will come to the first year of the Sixth Sun, the one that will have the greatest impact on the subsequent cycles.
This year is under the influence of the seventh heaven, and this heaven is ruled by the moon, so those who are able to lucid dream will not only be able to create their own reality from the dream state, but will also be capable of performing remarkable feats. This is the reason why this Sun is known as the return of the Quequetzalcóatl [take note of the plural form of Quetzalcóatl here], those of precious knowledge, those who have awakened spiritually.
The White Woman's Awakening and an Encounter with the Black Lady
This time last year [the book was published in Nov. 2020], Iztaccíhuatl, the white woman, Mexico's third highest volcano, awoke from a thousand-year-old dream and erupted, symbolizing the rising influence of the Sixth Sun. That influence is now unstoppable, and planetary consciousness is changing at an impressive rate.
The Fall of Woman
The main imbalance that we have been dragging with us from the Fifth Sun is the flintstone knife of injustice. This began with the dishonoring of the main feminine forces, the first being: the Earth itself. Once considered sacred, as the years passed, our beautiful planet became viewed by the great majority as something inert that could be exploited, without respect or gratitude.
The second feminine force that fell into oblivion was the night, darkness. This was considered the origin of evil, even though the Bible states that it was from darkness that light was born. So the first mother, the cosmic mother, was ignored and forgotten as well. The moon, too, was dishonored, being considered a baleful influence that turned people into "lunatics" and inspired witches, pagans and other dangerous and disreputable people who chose to remain in contact with the natural world.
There followed the fall of women in general, based on the biblical story of Eve tempting Adam and therefore being to blame for their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Women were evil, not to be trusted, the weaker sex, fit only for having children and satisfying the desires of men. And the serpent, the ancient symbol of healing, evolution and the Earth, became the source of sin and the downfall of humanity.
After the subjugation of the feminine by patriarchal religions, governments and cultures, minorities of all kinds were also subjected to discrimination and abuse. It was logical enough for a group that wanted to keep others in ignorance and subjugation.
But things are changing. At the beginning of the book we noted that the Aztecs' last tlahtoani, Cuauhtémoc, commanded them to keep their treasure safe for the Sixth Sun. They accepted that the consciousness of Central America would sleep for 500 years, then reawaken. So, what was the consciousness? What was the treasure?
First of all, in those days there hadn't been a fall of the feminine in Central American culture. The prevailing cosmology affirmed that the primary energy, Centeotl, divided in two - the masculine and feminine forces, Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl - and their children or guiding forces, who were later considered gods, had masculine and feminine names. The few that were only masculine had a feminine duality that had the same importance. Therefore, as the feminine forces had not fallen, neither had women. Worship of the Earth, the moon, and the night were as important as worship of the sun, and although later history talks of patriarchal societies, many of the conquistadors' own texts show respect for women and homosexuals and the existence of both male and female rulers and jaguar and eagle warriors.
The final piece of evidence that there was no fall of the feminine in Central America has to do with the fact that an imbalance of the Earth element is expressed through infections and pandemics. Logically, we can assume that this wasn't a problem for the ancient Mexicans, because it wasn't until the arrival of the Europeans that diseases such as syphilis appeared, and the smallpox that annihilated 90 per cent of the population. If there had been the same problem in Mexico, the Europeans would have found themselves exposed to epidemics that would have depleted their armies and populations. The fact that this did not happen shows there was equality between the male and female energies in America. This has not been the case for at least 500 years, but with the Sixth Sun, there must be a reconciliation and a rebalancing between the forces.
Unfortunately, some countries may oppose this, and these may be countries that have great economic strength, so wars could be fought for this equality in the economic arena. The collective consciousness of humanity might see this struggle as a misfortune. However, there will be individuals who will be able to separate their personal destiny from the one that most of humanity will experience by reconciling the masculine and feminine within themselves. This is a necessary first step toward the return of precious knowledge.
Aligning with Mother Earth
As I was writing this, I had just hopped to my primary social media account when a new post from Diana Cooper showed up through her fan page, who I had quoted in my post about Earth's cycles.
She wrote:
"We are currently undergoing some of the most challenging months there have been on Earth.
Mother Earth is starting to release the pent-up anger that has been stored within her. The energy of our emotions has been passing through our feet into the ground and has been building up for ten thousand years since the fall of Atlantis. From time to time some of it has been released through earthquakes, volcanoes, explosions and so on but now Lady Gaia herself is accelerating the cleansing in preparation for the new Golden Age.
The GOOD NEWS is that, you are one of the increasing numbers of people who are working with their fifth dimensional chakras, so you can make a massive contribution to healing the earth. High frequency light is able to pour down through your twelve chakras into your Earth Star chakra where Archangels Sandalphon, Gersisa and others spread it through the leylines to the place it is most needed.
You can magnify this by specifically calling in certain high frequency energies. These can dissolve the pools of lower vibrations that have collected within the planet. You just call in the energy to pour through you into your Earth Star chakra and trust that it is flowing to the right place. I like to do this when I am out walking." ~Diana Cooper
But back to Sergio Magana's book...
Up to now, it is undeniable that the Earth has been neglected by the vast majority of people.
Although she is a living ecosystem, she has been treated as merely the backdrop to our personal dramas. Having said this, I strongly disagree with the arrogant opinions of people who claim that we are destroying the Earth. To start with, if something doesn't exist in the Earth's dream, it cannot take place without her consent. As a conscious being, the Earth has the capacity to decide what happens here in accordance with the cosmic math of the universe. And she is moving to a different point in that universe, which implies that she will take with her those who want to join her and will let go of those who decide to stay where they are.
In Náhuatl, the Earth is known as Tlalli Tonantzin Coatlicue. I mention this here because we need to understand her the way the ancient Toltecs did. Tlalli is soil that is prepared for sowing, i.e. is moist and fertile. Tonantzin is our venerable mother, and she is important because, like the cosmic mother, she can give or take life from anything that exists on her body. Therefore, it is time to recognize that the Earth is in control and it is actually humanity that has the problem.
All the ancient chronicles indicate that the Fifth Sun will end with earthquakes, that there will be a lot of suffering and pain, and that the whole world will perish, though this doesn't refer to death but to change.
Those who decide to stay here and move into the next Sun will need the approval of Mother Earth in order to do so. She will perform a cleansing in many different ways. She has already started. The proof is in the coronavirus epidemic, the possibility of subsequent ones, the economic collapse, the recent earthquake in Mexico City, and the growing probability of the outbreak of a war aimed at the destruction of the old order and the establishment of a new one.
In order to survive, not as a species, but simply as human beings who want to reach the New Fire of 2026, we must stop looking at Earth as if it were a hotel and instead start recognizing her as a long-suffering mother who has patience with those who inhabit her, but who also has the potential to both create and destroy. The moment she has to do away with whatever isn't necessary, she will do so without hesitation.
The Dual Energies of the Earth
For the ancient Mexicans, the Earth had two important names and qualities, which I am going to describe in Náhuatl, since the language preserves the essence of what is being described.
The first name, Tlazolteotl, refers to the energy that carries away everything that is old and useless and recycles it.
The second name Tlazohteotl, refers to "the precious essence that gives life to everything". In our modern limited language, this might be what we understand as love.
These two polarities have always existed simultaneously on Earth and they are known as life and death. When tlazolteotl acts, it is able to create anything from a small disease or minor accident to a tsunami in order to carry away people whose vibration doesn't have an evolutionary purpose here. The other essence, tlazohteotl, is always creating, always giving life. However, it even creates what we consider evil, and helps people to create that too.
Now, for the first time, I am going to reveal the way these energies work together. I need to point out that I'm not sure about the measurement method the Earth uses, but I know that it is definitely associated with gravity. The Earth is wise enough to weigh the amount of heavy energy in us.
Heavy energy may be accumulated on our left side, from the tonal waking state, or in our right, from our dreams and ancestors.
Both will be measured, and those who carry a larger amount of heavy energy on their right side, and so have an endless number of things they have not let go of, will be distinguished from those who carry a higher amount of heavy energy on their left side, and are always willing to help others.
We may recall that this is similar to Egyptian mythology, according to which a deceased individual's heart was weighed against a feather to determine whether or not they could transcend to another life.
![The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony in Ancient Egypt. -- And through Sergio's book, I came to realize that the animal symbolism (people with animal heads), may be a reference to the "Dream State", during which we are able to take on the form of an animal.](
This is the process the Earth is carrying out at present: she is weighing our energy to determine whether we stay here or not during this shift.
The most important phase of this measuring period will start with the eclipse of May 2021 and will extend up to the New Fire in 2026, when it will be determined who will move forward with the new Sun and who will depart.
Most people will never know this process is taking place, since they will experience a seemingly random synchronization of events. Those of us who are aware of it can choose to be reconciled with the Earth, to connect with her, honor her, and move with her into the Sixth Sun as abundant, prosperous, and evolved beings.
In a physical sense, it is our legs and feet that are our connection with the Earth, and if we observe the ancient Mexican sculptures that represent Mother Earth, we will see that most have either one foot or the other forward. This is also evident in the Egyptian statues of the goddess Sekhmet, who, in similar dualistic fashion, gave the pharaoh either abundance and good fortune or pestilence and problems.
In the Mexican tradition, since our legs and feet are our connection with the Earth and also represent our underworlds, these are the parts of our body that we have to move in order to make changes in our life, create new relationships, and communicate with Mother Earth.
To connect with her energy tlazolteotl, the energy that carries away everything we no longer need, we simply have to put our right leg in front of our left one. This indicates the way the energy is flowing, but we will still need to indicate, with our hand, where to remove the heavy energy from.
To understand this, Sergio Magana describes the ancient Toltec totonalcayos, the chakras. [For this, and other meditation practices, please see the book.]
Conclusion: Today and Tomorrow
In spite of all the information I have presented here and all the challenges we are facing, there is still hope.
First of all, I want to emphasize yet again that for many traditions, like Dream Yoga, nahualism and the Kabbalah, dreaming is the crown jewel that had to be rediscovered. For me, it is magical that this rediscovery is actually happening, exactly as prophesied, and above all that I'm witnessing it. I am reassured that there is an intelligence, expressed in cycles and mathematics, behind what we call the universe.
All the current practitioners of the Toltec tradition [or actually anyone reading this should take this into consideration], must be embracing this shift, since we have had to wait for 500 years for the return of this wisdom. And now, witnessing the prophecies being fulfilled, we can be absolutely convinced of their veracity and accuracy.
I am extremely curious to know how the return of the feminine forces will affect us on social, political and economic levels. I'm certain that a more equal, even matriarchal society will be created.
In addition to this, seeing all these changes has made me feel absolutely certain that I'm following the rhythm of the universe.
The coming Sun is a time of great opportunity for spiritual growth on a personal level, especially compared to previous Suns.
Eventually, to get back to my mention at the very beginning of this post about a synchronicity on day 3 or 4 into the reading the book.
Which is when the official twitter account of Elvis Presley had posted the following question along with images:
What is the name of the jumpsuit Elvis wore for his last concert?
"The jumpsuit was worn by Elvis in over 40 concerts. It was first worn in Lake Tahoe in 1974 and last worn during his last concert performance in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 26, 1977."
But what has Elvis got to do with any of this?
I had been looking into Elvis-related things since September of 2019. Among many other synchronicities that happened since then, finding out that the day of my awakening also was his birthday was one of the first things I had noticed. Also, my birthday was his wedding day. And 10 years after his death to the day, on August 16, 1977, the Harmonic Convergence took place.
"The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world's first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16-17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System.
According to Shearer's interpretation of Aztec cosmology, the selected date marked the end of twenty-two cycles of 52 years each, or 1,144 years in all. The twenty-two cycles were divided into thirteen "heaven" cycles, which began in AD 843 and ended in 1519, when the nine "hell" cycles began, ending 468 years later in 1987. The very beginning of the nine "hell" cycles was precisely the day that Hernán Cortés landed in Mexico, April 22, 1519 (coinciding with "1 Reed" on the Aztec/Mayan calendar, the day sacred to Mesoamerican cultural hero Quetzalcoatl). The 9 hell cycles of 52 years each ended precisely on August 16-17, 1987. Shearer introduced the dates and the prophecy to Arguelles in 1970, and he eventually co-opted them and created the name Harmonic Convergence as the public title of the event.
The timing of the Harmonic Convergence was allegedly significant in the Maya calendar, with some consideration also given to European and Asian astrological traditions. The chosen dates have the distinction of allegedly marking a planetary alignment with the Sun, Moon and six out of eight planets being "part of the grand trine." Though Arguelles eventually connected the timing of the Harmonic Convergence with his understanding of the significance of Maya calendrics, the dates themselves were derived not from Maya cosmology but from Tony Shearer's reconstructed Aztec prophecies.
The next predicted Harmonic convergence (aligning of planets) was to occur on March 3, 2019."
[March 3; or 3/3 = 33: The Master Number.]