The Rainbow Serpent, Songlines & Earth Wisdom


"The most important planetary songline (ley line) is the pathway of the Great Rainbow Serpent, which travels all the way around the world. The Rainbow Serpent is the most famous, and most vital, archetype in Aboriginal philosophy. Its home is at Uluru, in central Australia.

Respect for the Rainbow Serpent is the oldest living religious tradition on the earth. The Rainbow Snake has been continually worked with for thousands of years. All of the major world religions are much younger.

Travel around the world and sing the song of the Rainbow Serpent, from one major sacred site to the next. The pathway of this primary artery connects Uluru to Lake Titicaca, Glastonbury, England, Moscow-Sergiev Posad, Mt. Kailas in Tibet, and Bali.

Learn the myths and traditions of these areas and do something creative with your knowledge.

Songlines can also be dance lines, or any other form of art. Harney invented the term chant lane, which is more accurate, as it suggests the width of a ley artery.

Celebrate life and expand the sense of what is sacred, as you move from one earth chakra to another. As you express, with joy, the central archetypes of every continent's increase centres, you revitalize yourself and the earth.

Both, information and energy can be transmitted in either direction along a ley line. Before there were telegraph lines, this was a way of communication. Ley lines act like optical fibres, and have the capacity to carry vast amounts of directed current, encoded by both planetary and individual will.

The great ley lines are broad arteries that move from culture to culture, across continents and oceans. It is through these arteries that one civilisation is able to transmit wisdom and influence to another.

The 15th century priest, Nirartha, transmitted wisdom from Bali to Australia, along the Rainbow Serpent, well before the first Europeans arrived. This segment of the Serpent between Bali and Uluru is very strong, and will be described later in great detail."

~From "The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail by Robert Coon 

And here an excerpt of an interesting write-up by David Elkington on Graham Hancock's Website

"[...] The hero is a state of mind, almost the calm after the storm of not knowing. He brings self-awareness and the ability to grow, to ascend, to climb to heaven by learning wisdom. In effect, we are witnessing a Technology of the Soul, the science of our intellectual and conscious ascent: and in this scheme of things the sacred site becomes the umbilicus connecting us to an unseen world.

These places were constructed with a clear and resonant purpose: they are places of communion - between humanity and the divine. But what exactly are the gods? What do they represent?

The general answer is that they are forces of nature, expressions of the different aspects of the world around us. However, somewhere in all of this is a meeting point, where man meets god, where man even becomes god. (I say man not because of any inherent sexism but because the feminine is already seen as an aspect of the divine in the form of the Earth Mother, whereas a man has to demonstrate his latent divinity.) That place is the Temple.

There was no denying the remarkable similarities of worldwide hero-myths - the story, with variations based on geography and culture, is largely the same: even to the degree that the names are the same and have the same meaning.

In this scheme the Sun as the Father-god shines upon the Earth-Mother, adding to the life she gives. The earth aspect is wisdom: our ability to listen to it is our wisdom, the beauty of which is reflected in the shades of the moon. The child of these deities is the hero, whose task is to unite heaven and earth by teaching us language and how to sing it: and in his quest to bring us self-awareness, dies to become a Judge of the Dead: an ancestral memory. Humanity is brought to consciousness by the Divine Child - and in all of this, the sacred place plays a central role."

"In the mythologies associated with these sites, it is the hero who brings consciousness, who brings self-awareness by his heroic actions on behalf of humanity: because the hero is humanity, he is humanity as self-aware. His is the journey to the dark heart of wisdom: dark in the sense that wisdom is about seeing both sides of the argument in order to reach the higher good."

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