Making of a Prophet
"The Making of a Prophet
No human holy book can lead a man to the pathway of a Messiah. Most humans don't understand what it takes to receive a prophetic anointment. Overall, you must become life, and even abide in the wilderness of life. You must go through hell, while God is holding you up, especially holding your hand, and walking beside you.
If you are rich, you must become poor. If you live in the mainstream, you must give it up, and become a street person. Overall, you must take off your real face, and become someone totally different. Since you must lose yourself to find yourself. God is not going to just give a human, supernatural powers. Its simply too dangerous. You must be prepared, especially trained to see life, and the people in it, as God does. I'm not speaking of how the religious God sees life, but as The Real God sees life. There's a big difference between the two."