The Major Cycles & Our Current Transitions
Co-written by Ramsha (the latter portion of this post)
I'd like to discuss and compare the different Cycles from the different cultures, and also what might be ahead. For this, I asked for some help from Ramsha, who has a background in Astrology and Academic writing. I had sent her the articles linked at the bottom of the page for her consideration, which I recommend checking out.
But what is the premise? Why make the effort?
So to show that time moves in cycles, with possibly imminent changes ahead as for the times we're in now. People like Gregg Braden have discussed the science of cycles as well (his books and youtube channel are excellent) and most ancient cultures have always known of the cyclical nature of time.
I'll list some of those here from Diana Cooper's book "2012 and Beyond". Many of these mention the year 2012 as having been of great importance. But firstly, the mysteries of the Universe are immense and its importance could have applied more to the mental and spiritual planes, rather than the physical. And secondly, Sergio Magana in "The Real Toltec Prophecies" (which is also a highly recommended read) speaks of very compelling teachings he received that refer to a nine-year time-lag from 2012, so to speak, and that changes will be gradual. I intend to discuss some of his very well noteworthy information in another post.
But here some references to the cycles and 2012 in particular from the ancients in Diana Cooper's book:
THE MAYANS called 21st December 2012 'Creation Day', with a prophecy that the energy coming in on that day will activate the kundalini force in individuals and on the planet. The prophecies say that it will stimulate the genetic memories of our past lives and who we truly are and accelerate many into enlightenment and ascension.
They also project that the force of the planetary kundalini will help to activate and realign all the pyramids, which link us to our rightful place in the universe, and that this will result in a rebirth of solar consciousness in humanity. The pyramids - Mayan, Egyptian and others - are cosmic computers. They are also generators and sub-stations for universal energy.
Many of the NATIVE AMERICAN Wise Ones agree that the fifth world starts in 2012.
THE HOPI declare that 2012 is the end of an era - that after a 25-year period of purification there will be what they call 'The Emergence'.
THE CHEROKEE have their own calendar, which ends in 2012.
THE MAORI tradition claims that there will be a lifting of the veils of illusion in 2012 and a merging of the physical and spiritual planes.
THE EGYPTIAN myths indicate that the end of 2012 heralds a planetary shift in consciousness.
THE TIBETAN AND JEWISH CALENDARS indicate that 2012 is the end of a long cycle.
THE HINDU VEDAS declare that the ascent back to the light starts in 2012.
THE OUTBREATH OF BRAHMA is considered to last 26.000 years. At the end of the outbreath there is a cosmic moment, during which the portals of heaven open. In that silent moment, miraculous things can happen, including a transformational leap for humankind.
Egyptologist John Anthony West, mentions in his article "Consider the Kali Yuga" that:
"Since Egypt's Old
Kingdom, up until very recently civilization has been going down, not up;
simple as that. We can follow that degenerative process physically in Egypt; it
is written into the stones and it is unmistakable. The same tale is told in the
mythologies and legends of virtually all other societies and civilizations the
world over. Progress does not go in a
straight line from primitive ancestors to smart old us with our bobblehead
dolls and weapons of mass destruction; our traffic jams and our polluted seas,
skies and lands. There is another, and far more realistic, way to view history.
Plato talked about a cycle of Ages: Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Iron (or Dark) Age; a cycle, a
wave form - not a straight line. A similar understanding is reflected by
virtually all other ancient accounts. The
best known, and by far the most elaborately developed of these systems, is the
Hindu, with its Yuga Cycle, which corresponds to the Platonic idea of four
definable Ages."
Diana Cooper also states:
MANY OF THE ANCIENT PREDICTIONS focused on catastrophe and disaster, since, at similar times in the history of the planet, the consciousness of humanity was so low that war or dire consequences resulted. But that this time things look slightly different.
She makes many predictions in her book, which she received from highly evolved beings around the year 2008. Which, seems difficult to deny, considering all the information that is coming forth, and also taking into consideration the parallels to Sergio Magana's book. However, many of her dates seem a bit off. But this could have other reasons, such as this above-mentioned nine-year time-lag discussed in "The Real Toltec Prophecies".
Again, from Diana Cooper's book:
"By 2032 the hearts of almost everyone will be open and exploitation of animals will be a thing of the past. Future generations will be appalled by what we have done to them, but the animals will forgive us and we will share the planet in harmony again.
Words like 'decision' or 'leader' will not be required, because the inhabitants will be living harmoniously and mostly telepathically together, so choices will evolve automatically for the benefit and satisfaction of all.
As the damage done by pharmaceutical drugs and processed foods really reaches the public awareness, people power will ensure that the former gentler healing ways and good food are once more embraced.
In the pre-2012 paradigm, the masses gave their power to leaders and with it, responsibility for their lives. In the new, every individual will be treated as an important contributing part of society."
Technologies will be upgraded, which includes methods of healing, new modes of travel are to become available, and with the new technology, space craft will also transform.
Furthermore she wrote:
"The incidence of natural disasters is expected to continue and intensify especially between 2017 and 2022. They will happen in the anticipated places, but also in many unexpected ones. The cleansing will be worldwide. Mother Earth will use earthquakes, floods, fires, volcanoes, hurricanes and other weather conditions to cleanse and draw attention to systems that need to be changed.
Even an epidemic can be utilized for clearing, where the sick people absorb the energy of the disease as well as some of the fear of the area. Those who have a soul contract to pass over into the light, take the negativity with them to the higher realms for transmutation.
If enough people have awakened their twelve chakras, so that Source energy pours through them into the Earth to heal it, less cleansing by the forces of nature will be necessary."
Note that Covid-19 shouldn't actually be called a "pandemic", taking into consideration that it has a 99.95 percent survival rate for people under the age of 70. What it is however should be a wake-up call.
So, does 2021 herald the new Age of Aquarius?
According to some sources, the Kali Yuga is going to end in 2025. Others mention different years, but close to and around 2025. The highly esteemed spiritual teacher Sadhguru says that the Kali Yuga has already ended.
I think considering what we know now, the details on the exact date of when one age ends and another begins seems not quite as important as for people to take on the responsibility to recognize the changes - and as Sadhguru says, "If you are responsible, you will have the ability to respond."
Taking responsibility means, making an effort to work on ourselves, putting an end to the negativity, and believing in and embracing the (hopefully) impending positive changes. Furthermore, consider looking where each and everyone can do their part, no matter how small, to shift into the new age with grace, rather than being in fear.
But what exactly is the Age of Aquarius?
It is an astrological "age" that "shifts about every 2,150 years, when the Earth's rotation moves into a new zodiac sign around the spring equinox."
"The Age of Pisces shaped many belief systems, but now it's time to bring our practices into a way of life that keeps us connected, not segregated, to create a foundation that can bring us into a new age," says Corina Crysler, transformational astrologer."
"The Age of Aquarius follows a similarly progressive, forward-thinking, "we versus I" mentality of visionary, rebellious, innovative, and eccentric Aquarians. It focuses on humanitarian pursuits of valuing each person's individuality, holding and taking care of each other as a unit, and also disrupting the system. As Adama Sesay, astrologer and creator of Lilith Astrology, points out, there will be a major shift in power dynamics in this era. "For eons, the power has rested in traditional, oppressive hierarchical structures, and their beliefs dictated our reality," says Sesay."
"[In the Age of Aquarius] the power is turning over to the individual, and giving the freedom for you to choose your own reality based on what aligns with your soul." -Adama Sesay, astrologer
"What we can surmise, then, is that the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in 2021 will only usher in the beginning of the widespread healing that's still to come. We might see the rise of more social programs and a bigger emphasis on taking care of one another. Wellness for all is the very spirit of the Age of Aquarius, and that means even with dark days still ahead, there's something truly magnificent on the horizon."
Many astrologers say that the Age of Aquarius can be seen as the time when mankind conquered the earth and its destiny. The destiny of mankind is the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness. While others experience mental knowledge and are thus recognized as the new leaders of the world. The Age of Aquarius combines the Age of Leo's leadership qualities with unity for better expansion in the world and reaching a technological and high human conscious age.
In the past, religious influence declined with the rise of scientific reasoning, the increasing focus on human rights since the 1780s, the tremendous growth in technology, and the advent of aviation and space travel. Hence, some consider that the Age of Aquarius has begun in 2020, while others think it would come in 2024. We can already see advancement in technology and growth in human rights. The Age of Aquarius really is introduced by promoting the notion of 'we' rather than a single individual. Per requirements of this age, humans will together work for the benefit of the world and will witness an age of mental and spiritual upliftment.
Toltec Prophecies say that at the beginning of Aquarius we have entered an era, where all humans will be challenged by their inner subconsciousness. Predictions say that the change of the last nine years before the real changes are to become evident will bring about a real internal change because all that is hidden will be revealed.
According to the Toltec tradition, this means humanity faces its underworld and collective unconsciousness, and all the unresolved problems, especially in 2020 and 2021, can be very challenging. An eclipse always marks the beginning of the transition from one sun to another. This change was initiated by a total solar eclipse on July 11, 1991, viewed in Mexico City and now due to the transition of the sun, we have entered into an era of our dream worlds and subconscious minds.
So, Toltec Prophecies say a similar thing to the Age of Aquarius in terms of advancements in technology. In the first twenty years of this transition, we see the external consequences that lead to the establishment of another reality, which is the technological progress we will have experienced during these years. Also, people will have new technology to spread spiritual knowledge and spiritual practice worldwide in order to see beyond the answers provided by established patriarchal religions (as in, the many lies and distortions that have been promulgated for ages). Since 21 December 2012, according to Indian traditions, the Surya ('surya' meaning "sun") started influencing human minds, and hence we alone are fighting our inner subconscious, now. COVID is the biggest proof of many of the theories presented here.
During the Kali Yuga, the ether was at its lowest and the world was the farthest away from the sun, thus human consciousness has been at its lowest. It was a dark period. Satya Yuga is more in alignment with the implications of the Age of Aquarius. It is the brightest time and is called the golden age. Our solar system will be closer to the big system and human consciousness will be at its highest.
From Age of Aquarius - The Next Chapter:
"As long as the ego is separate from the soul, we won't have freedom and progress (Aquarius' higher manifestation), but instead will have division and will continue to attempt to use machines (weapons, robots, or the internet) to justify one side of the story - either "the ego" or "the soul".
However, sooner or later, at the end of this 'cosmic battle', when we'll reconcile the YIN and the YANG, and we will eventually find a "new Renaissance" - or...
The triumph of Aquarius' highest values: humanitarianism, knowledge, reason, innovation, and people who work towards a greater goal."
Lastly, I'll leave you with two quotes from Sadhguru's critically acclaimed bestseller "Inner Engineering - A Yogi's Guide to Joy":
"Turning inward is the first step from passivity to agency.
From being a victim to becoming a master of your own destiny."
"Unless you do the right things, right things will not happen to you.
Principles and philosophies are only of social consequence.
It is time to wake up to yourself as an existential being.
A living being, rather than a psychological case, then your destiny will be 100% your own.
This is not an idle promise, this is a guarantee."
For further reading:
On the Toltec prophecies:
Age of Aquarius:
Kali Yuga: