Sun, Moon & Earth Evolution


"Divine wisdom permeates nature. Human wisdom will only gradually reach its height." ~Rudolf Steiner

Here's an interesting text by Rudolf Steiner worth studying. Below in audiobook form...

His work represents a different and in many cases very in-depth spin on many great mysteries. So, always use discernment and weigh up where there might be veiled harmful or misleading information (as one should do with any text), especially whenever it crosses boundaries from what is widely known and publicized today. The falsities in general indeed seem plenty and far-reaching.

Here are some, to me, interesting takeaways:

The I AM

  • Upon Earth, the Ego (physical, ethereal, and astral), became capable of saying to itself "I AM".
  • "The evolution of the "I AM" is the evolution of the self-consciousness of the human race."
  • "Prior to incarnation as a human, one could not feel as an independent entity, but as a part of Divine Spiritual beings from whom he was descended." - So, prior he could not have said "I AM", but would have said, "God IS and I in him."

The Mission of the Earth

Each planetary existence had a definite mission:

"The mission of our Earth is the cultivation of the principle of love to its highest degree by its beings evolving upon it. - Towards the end of Earth's evolution, love should permeate it through and through."

The path of Moon evolution, pre-Earth, was the path of wisdom.

"Just as wisdom was prepared on the Moon that it might be found everywhere on the Earth, so is love now being prepared here in this Earth evolution." - "Inner wisdom first appeared on the Earth with the human being; with the Ego."

The Logos

"The Logos became life while our Earth was passing through its existence as the sun. It became light while Earth was passing through the ancient Moon state."

"In its purest form, the external physical body of the Logos appears, especially in the outer sunlight." 

"The sunlight is not merely material light. To spiritual perception, it is just as much the vesture of the Logos, as your outer physical body is the vesture of your soul. "

This reminded me of this video by Jessica Delmar that I just had watched the day before I was looking into the Rudolf Steiner lecture.

And just a thought for your consideration, with all the deception going on, wouldn't it be almost logical that "corona" also is a term taken and used by the dark, pointing to things like the above, so to make people think that this could be part of a "Divine plan" when it is not? Might it rather be part of a scheme to disrupt this Divine plan?

Continuing with Rudolf Steiner:

"If you were to confront a human being in the same way the greater part of humanity today confronts the sun, you could never learn to know that human being. Your relation to each human individual possessing a feeling, thinking and willing soul would be such that instead of presupposing a psycho-spiritual part within him, you would simply touch a physical body and imagine that it might even be made of papier maché. If, however, you wish to penetrate to the spiritual in the sunlight, you should consider it just as you consider the bodily part of a human being in order to learn to know his inner nature. The sunlight has the same relationship to the Logos as your body has to your soul. In the sunlight something spiritual streams down upon the Earth.

If we are able to conceive not only the sun-body, but also the sun-spirit, we find that this spiritual part is the love that streams down upon the Earth. Not alone the physical sunlight awakens the plants into life - they would wither and die if the physical sunlight did not act upon them - but together with the physical sunlight, the warm love of the Godhead streams to earth. Human beings exist in order that they may take into themselves the warm love of the Divine, develop it and return it again to the Divine. But they can only do this by becoming self-conscious ego-beings. Only then will they be able to render back this love.

When the ancient Moon had completed its evolution, there were seven great beings of this kind who had progressed far enough to pour forth love. 

Here we touch upon a deep mystery which Spiritual Science reveals. 

[And also, here is where theories are proposed that differ greatly from other teachings.]

In the beginning of the Earth-evolution, there was on the one side the childlike humanity which was to receive love and become ready for the reception of the ego - and on the other side, there was the sun which separated from the earth and rose to a more exalted existence. 

Seven principle Spirits of Light, who at the same time were the dispensing Spirits of Love, were able to evolve upon this sun. Only six of them, however, made the sun their dwelling-place and what streams down to us in the physical light of the sun contains within it the spiritual force of love from these six Spirits of Light or, as they are called in the Bible, the six Elohim. 

One separated from the others and took a different path for the salvation of humanity. He did not choose the sun but the moon for his abode. 

And this Spirit of Light, who voluntarily renounced life upon the sun and chose the moon instead, is none other than the one whom the Old Testament calls "Jahve" or "Jehova." This Spirit of Light who chose the moon as a dwelling-place is the one who from there pours ripened wisdom down upon the earth, thus preparing the way for love."

"The night belongs to the moon and it belonged to the moon to a much greater degree in that ancient time when the human being was not yet able to receive the force of love in the direct rays of the sun. At that time he received the reflected force of ripened wisdom from the moonlight." 

"This ripened wisdom streamed down upon him from the moonlight during the time of night-consciousness. Therefore, Jahve is called the Ruler of the Night who prepared humanity for the love that was later to manifest during full waking-consciousness. 

Thus we can look back to that ancient past in human evolution when spiritually that event occurred which is merely symbolized by the heavenly bodies, the sun on the one side, the moon on the other. (See drawing). During the night, at certain times, the moon sends down to us the reflected force of the sun, but it is the same light which also shines upon us directly from the sun. 

Thus in ancient times, Jahve or Jehova reflected the force of matured wisdom, the force of the six Elohim, and sent this force down into human beings while they slept, preparing them to become capable later, by degrees, of receiving the power of love during waking-day consciousness."

"The moon enhances whatever state of consciousness you're in. 
It does not cause madness, but just pushes one's energy in a certain way.

If your quality is joy, you will become more joyful.
If your quality is love, you will become more loving.
If you are in a meditative state, you will become more meditative.
If you have mental illnesses, that also gets enhanced." ~Sadhguru 


"The human being was destined for self-conscious love upon the earth. He must, therefore, have a leader, a teacher, during his clear day-consciousness, a leader who stands before him so that he can be perceived by him. 

Now it was only during the night, in dim consciousness, that love could be implanted within the human being. But little by little something happened, something happened in full actuality which made it possible for him to see outwardly, physically, the Being of Love itself. But how could that occur? 

It could only take place, because the Being of Divine Love, the Being of the Logos, became a man of flesh, whom men by means of their physical senses could perceive upon the earth. It was because mankind had developed to a condition of perceiving by means of outer senses that God, the Logos, had Himself to become a sense-being. He had to appear in a physical body. This was fulfilled in Christ-Jesus, and the historical appearance of Christ Jesus means that the forces of the six Elohim, or of the Logos, were incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth at the beginning of our Christian era and were actually present in Him in the visible world. That is the important thing. 

The inner force of the sun, the force of the Logos - Love assumed a physical human form in the body of Jesus of Nazareth. For, like an external object, like an outer being, God had to appear to the earthly, human sense-consciousness in a bodily form.

You will ask what was that Being Who appears at the beginning of our era as Christ-Jesus? It was the incarnation of the Logos, of the six other Elohim, whose advent had been prepared by Jahve - God who preceded them. This figure of Jesus of Nazareth, in whom the Christ or the Logos was incarnated, brought into human life, into human history itself, what previously streamed down upon the earth from the sun, what was present only in the sunlight. 

"The Logos became flesh." It is upon this fact that the Gospel of St. John places the greatest importance and the writer of this Gospel had to lay great emphasis upon it because it is a fact that after the appearance of a few initiated Christian pupils who understood what had occurred, there followed others who could not fully understand it. They understood full well that at the foundation of all material things, behind all that appears to us in substantial form, there exists a psycho-spiritual world. But what they could not comprehend was that the Logos itself, by being incarnated in an individual human being, became physically visible for the physical sense-world. This they could not comprehend. 

Therefore, that teaching which appeared in the early Christian centuries called the "Gnosis," differs from the true Esoteric Christianity on this point. The writer of the Gospel of St. John pointed to this fact in powerful words, when he said: "No, you should not look upon the Christ as a super-sensible, ever invisible being only, one Who is the foundation of all material life, but you should consider this the important thing: 'The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.'" 

This is the fine distinction between Esoteric Christianity and the primal Gnosis. The Gnosis, as well as Esoteric Christianity recognizes the Christ, but the former only as a spiritual being and in Jesus of Nazareth it sees at most a human herald, more or less bound to this spiritual being. It holds firmly to an ever invisible Christ. On the contrary, Esoteric Christianity has always held the idea of the Gospel of St. John, which rests upon the firm foundation of the words: "And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us!" 

He Who was there in the visible world is an actual incarnation of the six sun Elohim, of the Logos. With the incarnation of the Logos, the earthly mission - or in other words, what the earth was to become through the Event of Palestine - first really began. Previously, all was only a preparation.

The Christ was that Being Who gave the impulse that made it possible for every human being - each as an individual - to experience the "I AM." Only with his advent was the powerful impulse given which carries earth humanity forward with a mighty bound.

[I think this could be a reference to the last Earth cycle during the Age of Pisces. In the preceding Age, it could have been Krishna and so on...]

Mankind had its beginning in the group-soul and then advanced to a state of independent, personal existence, in which every individual experiences the "I AM," and the Christ is the force that has brought it to this consciousness of the "I AM."

[...] All through the entire eighth chapter of the Gospel of St. John, beginning with the twelfth verse which is usually entitled "Jesus, the Light of the World," we find a transcription of this profound truth concerning the meaning of the "I AM." When you read this chapter, emphasize the words "I" or "I AM" wherever they appear and realize that "I AM" was the name in which the initiates felt themselves united. Then you will understand it and it will seem to you that this chapter must then be read in somewhat the following manner:

Then Jesus spoke to His disciples and said: That which is able to say "I AM" to itself, is the Force of the Light of the World, and whoever follows after me will see in clear, waking consciousness what those who wander in darkness do not see.

Jesus also said: If one speaks of the I, as I speak, then is the testimony a true one; for I know that this I comes from the Father, from the primeval foundation of the world and I know whither it tends."

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