On YHWH and the letter Y. (or Yod)


On the Divine name YHWH and the letter Y. (or Yod)...

"The unvocalized Hebrew יהוה is having four English letters YHWH, its letter names are ה‎ for He, ‎ו ‎for Waw, ‎ה ‎for He, and ‎י‎ for Yod."

"The first letter, Yod, represents the principle or original of all things, and hence eternal force. - The active principle pre-eminent.

The second letter, is He, which signifies substance in contradistinction to essence. - The passive principle pre-eminent.

The third letter is Waw (or Vau), which signifies the affinity that subsists between the first two letters, and it completes with these the root-idea of the Trinity. It is the bond of love, the mystery of union and of the intercommunication and superincession f the celestial virtues. It is also the Tree of Life. - The link which unites the active to the passive.

The fourth letter is He, and it represents the transition from the metaphysical to the physical worlds. Gnostic Christianity says that it is Divinity united hypostatically to a terrestrial body, or more literally, it is the Word made flesh." ~From the "Tarot of the Bohemians", also referred to as "The Book of Thoth", "The Book of Adam", the book of the primitive Revelation of ancient civilization.

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