Not all Leadership has to be corrupt | Not all Hierarchy-based Structures have to be bad
"Ordinarily, hierarchy is regarded in the negative sense as a ladder or a vertical power structure, with power concentrated at the top. - But for the warrior, discovering hierarchy is seeing the Great Eastern Sun reflected everywhere in everything. You see possibilities of order in the world that are not based on struggle and aggression. In other words, you perceive a way to be in harmony with the phenomenal world that is neither static nor repressive."
~ChΓΆgyam Trungpa "Shambhala - The Sacred Path of the Warrior"
"True human goodness, based not on arrogance or aggression, but on gentleness and openness is the way of the warrior."
So, what is really going on with the world - from what we can observe with the simplest means?
The Television says that the virus is going to kill us all. The television... 'tells lies to our vision'. And it's usually not much different with other mass-produced media.
The average person - let's say, those who are still "asleep" and have either missed or ignored The Great Awakening that's been going on - are pessimistic and may tend to think that 'if the virus isn't gonna kill us, then a nuclear war might, or too much fluoride in our toothpaste, drinking water, tap-water' etc. They seem to be enjoying their depression with confidence.
Few would like to believe that something positive could be going on on a large scale. Most people seem to prefer to stick to possible terror and an impending holocaust. What we're looking at, with more and more people suddenly starting to believe in higher powers, may sound delusional to the average Joe (Does that also remind you of the "most powerful person on the planet"; or at least an office that used to be associated with that description? - Just referring to the name, of course). However, why not consider to do the research?
Are things looking up from a human point of view?
Answering this question with a yes too would be utterly delusional.
Check out the things Alan Watts said below in 1970. And this was half a century ago...
He talked about what's wrong with the world and also mentioned the ego. He said that he had returned from a "Planetary Alarm Conference", but that they quickly ran into problems because, they "didn't know what to say, because we didn't know what to do."
Again, this was over 50 years ago. So, does that make you feel like we would be up to the task, with a collective mindset of politicians right now that, as it seems, has never been worse? Ignoring reputable science and medicine when it comes to Covid.
In the next clip, Alan Watts says, "We may have to come to the alarming conclusion that the universe is smarter than we are."
And let's add this below audio presentation to the discussion...
How the deceivers avoid karma...
"They avoid karma by using dark magic, deception, manipulation and [distorted/inverted] symbolism. They need you to consent to your enslavement through the use of will. This is the art of the service to self path.
It's essentially sorcery, when they can make people do things unaware that they are being manipulated. They have many tools, the main stream media being one. The negative entity is cunning and powerful and understands the mechanisms of the mind, our weakness."
Are you aware or unaware? Or how aware on a scale from 1 - 100?
I'm referring to the consciousness behind your thoughts vs. the unconscious automatic ego-structure.
Let's take as an example and a reference-point our relationship to animals...
π¨ππππππππ ππππππ πππππππ ππππ. But you might have to discover for yourself whether, to you, this is true or not. - When seeing a cute animal and/or one that clearly is able to show emotions, one might feel love. Cows for example don't necessarily have to be cute, and yet, when you look into their eyes, you might have an emotional response upon realizing that there is awareness behind those eyes.
(the ego mind) is the other side of the coin:
You might be able to ππππ ππ
πππ£π πππ π
ππππππ (being and having
awareness), yet you might not really care too much when it comes to the question of what to
put on the table or plate (does the distinction become clearer?), because you "love
meat so much"; or you "love food so much" (and it is difficult to come by food that isn't based off of animal products where you live).
Can you see how unawareness - a lack of love, such as when dealing with people, places, situations we don't personally know or are familiar with etc. - becomes the root of pretty much ALL of our major problems? Whether it's racism, corruption, environmental degradation & destruction, or, of course, our ignorance vs. awareness of what we eat and so on.
"When the people of Earth, long ago, decided to put aside the love and wisdom of a benevolent and wise spiritual hierarchy to experience life without any restriction, a distorted concept of "free will," the request was granted by the Godhead as an experiment.
The misuse of "free will" quickly became the law of the land, and those who had self-serving agendas took over and enslaved you in more ways than you care to know. This gave birth, as you know, to a world of pain, violence, wars, ignorance, karmic indebtedness and all the misery humanity has suffered ever since." ~The Judge [Source]
"And those who were seen dancing
were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
Why not join the dance?