My 40-Day-Water Fast
I just finished a 40-day-water fast last weekend. Which by the way is what would help explain why I kept postponing posts I've been wanting to write that require some more work (and thought).
Why 40 days? The first time this had come up for me was short before my Qhht Session in December of last year, and then during the session as well, during which I was already fasting as well. And if you know about Qhht, you would be aware of the fact that information usually comes through that stems from a source other than one's own conscious mind.
Towards the latter third of December, when I had just finished my fast that had lasted only for 17 days, it became clear that I would have to aim for another fast during the month of February, spanning till March, for the duration of these beforementioned 40 days.
I wanted to start right on the 1st, but since I still had some foods in the fridge, the start had turned out to be the next day, 2/2.
To skip ahead, since this post isn't really meant to be about my experiences - just to say that things went quite smoothly - one month later, on 3/3, I had made a post about the number 33, as 3/3 in numerology can also be read as #33. With that number famously and frequently being referred to as a Master Number (such as also the #11 and #22) or "The" Master Number, and with it especially in recent years to have been connected with Jesus as the "Master Teacher", but also to "Christ Consciousness" in more general contexts.
I also had pointed out in that post that it was my 30th day of fasting and that 3 days later would be my 33rd day of fasting. I had not planned this. But neither did it look like a coincidence to me (I'm sure you see what I'm pointing out here as for numbers and synchronicities). Numbers have played a certain role eversince the beginning of my awakening process and they have also been relevant for people who went through some kind of awakening processes as well.
The very next day, I had come across a post from one of my FB contacts, referring to the Hebrew letter "Mem" (מ), which has a value of 40 in traditional Hebrew Gematria and means "waters". Think 40 days and 40 nights of Noah's Ark and the great Deluge.
Other references to the number 40:
- Jesus' temptation in the desert was 40 days
- Jesus fasted for 40 days
- Jesus remained on earth 40 days after resurrection
- The Israelites walking through the desert for 40 years before reaching their homeland
- The Prophet Mohammed, having had no formal education, started to receive Divine revelations to teach his people at the age of 40
- Moses was with God in the mount, 40 days and nights, Moses was again with God 40 days and 40 nights. Moses led Israel from Egypt at age 80 (2 times 40), and after 40 years in the wilderness, died at 120
- Women are pregnant for 40 weeks
- see more here
- The sacred number of Enki, god of wisdom, farming, building, magic and arts and crafts, who (presumably) came from planet Nibiru (as a reference to Planet X referring to the sheer amount of planets, solar systems and galaxy existing in the Universe, and yes, in base-reality).
- I had my awakening aged 40 - and I it made me wonder whether the person whom I believe to perhaps be my twin flame, herself someone who stands in the public eye and had turned 40 only quite recently, might end up having to go through some kind of awakening within the year as well.
"Mem : from the word ״מים״ ( mayim ) meaning "waters" as in life abundant seas. Symbolized by water, for the way that many living things can be pulled out, even referring to child birth..... מ
M : MEM : מ : never used at the end of a word symbolic of an open womb
FINAL MEM : ם : only used at the end of a word symbolic of a closed womb.
One of the three primordial mother letters of creation....... אמש
Also interesting in this context I find, which is something that had come to my attention only 2 years ago, is that my birthday, May 1, Labour Day, also reminds of labor/labor (English vs. American English), as in labor pains from a birthing process. Another coincidence (or synchronicity), as it would seem.
Who does normally give birth, a Father or the Mother?
Check out the original post if you like. He goes on to write:
M : EM : AM : IM : I AM : YAM : MAYIM
YAM : Hebrew word meaning sea : ים
YAM : spelled : im = ים
or im at end of a Hebrew word means plurality, a people, a race, or creed :
: mayim the waters, Nephilim the giants, raphaim more giants people of large
stature or departed spirits of the afterlife, Malachim angels or messengers,
sepherim order of serpent angels, cherubim angels with heads of a man ox lion
and eagle, goyim non Jewish races, Yehudim the Jewish people, shamayim the
heavens, chayiim life. Even the word ELohim the name used for God in Genesis is
describing a plurality and speaks of making man in "our image".
Then on March 11, two nights before the end of my fasting journey, Indian Spiritual Master Sadhguru had posted about a certain festival to take place that same night:
"Mahashivratri" - which "is not of Religion or Beliefs, not of Race or Nation, it said on his official FB account.
It being referred to as:
A night in which planetary positions cause a natural energy upsurge in the human system. A Cosmic phenomenon with a Universal impact.
... and that one is to experience it consciously.
In the below video, he further explains:
There is a phenomenal upsurge of energy, the centrifugal force of the planet works in a particular way at this time, just before the equinox...
... adding that, based on the Yogic traditions, nobody should lie down on this night.
Your spine should be vertical, so that you can make use of the natural upsurge of energy, so that an upward movement happens.
I also encourage you to read the full write-up about it on the website of Sadhguru on the "Significance of Mahashivratri".
Shivratri - The Darkest Night of the Month
Shivratri, is the darkest day of the month. Celebrating Shivratri on a monthly basis, and the particular day, Mahashivratri, almost seems like celebration of darkness. Any logical mind would resist darkness and naturally opt for light. But the word "Shiva" literally means "that which is not." "That which is," is existence and creation. "That which is not" is Shiva. "That which is not" means, if you open your eyes and look around, if your vision is for small things, you will see lots of creation. If your vision is really looking for big things, you will see the biggest presence in the existence is a vast emptiness.
A few spots which we call galaxies are generally much noticed, but the vast emptiness that holds them does not come into everybody's notice. This vastness, this unbounded emptiness, is what is referred to as Shiva. Today, modern science also proves that everything comes from nothing and goes back to nothing. It is in this context that Shiva, the vast emptiness or nothingness, is referred to as the great lord, or Mahadeva.
Light is a brief happening in your mind. Light is not eternal, it is always a limited possibility because it happens and it ends. The greatest source of light that we know on this planet is the sun. Even the sun's light, you could stop it with your hand and leave a shadow of darkness behind. But darkness is all-enveloping, everywhere.
The immature minds in the world have always described darkness as the devil. But when you describe the divine as all-pervading, you are obviously referring to the divine as darkness, because only darkness is all-pervading. It is everywhere. It does not need any support from anything.
Light always comes from a source that is burning itself out. It has a beginning and an end. It is always from a limited source. Darkness has no source. It is a source unto itself. It is all-pervading, everywhere, omnipresent. So when we say Shiva, it is this vast emptiness of existence. It is in the lap of this vast emptiness that all creation has happened. It is that lap of emptiness that we refer to as the Shiva.
So, indeed what I ended up doing was staying up...
So long until the night would make way for the early morning light. That was the plan. Changing my sitting posture frequently between meditation- and relaxed sitting posture. All the while mostly having listened to flute-based Indian Ragas.
When I started to hear the first birds and was starting to get very sleepy, around 5am, which was short before my anticipated for it getting brighter, I went to bed.
A post I came across the following day showing large spikes in the "Schumann Resonance", which has been nicknamed "heartbeat of mother earth", in the past would naturally have vibed at around 7.83hz. In recent years this has often changed, as this "heartbeat" has been frequently over 10hz, up to over 20hz and more.
On March 12, my last night of the fast, Phil Good, a "Lightworker" with a large following, had posted the following on his social media:
"If you feel like you're on the verge of a breakdown right now, you're 100% on schedule. You're giving birth to something brand new, and being in labor hurts like hell. Breathe through to have your breakthrough."
Lastly, when I just looked up the introductory pic for the thumbnail at the top, I came to realize that Christians officially have a period of 40 days and 40 days of fasting
from the middle of January until towards the end of February.
So, very close to when I actually did my own fast as well...
A follow-up post that also has mentions the Hebrew letter "Mem", the number 40 and The Flood...