The Importance of Releasing Karma
On my social media, I recently had two posts related to Past-lives and Karma, specifically showing clear signs in the form of oracle cards (see below). Normally it would of course just be a personal thing, but I think that if people saw it and thought just that and that it's merely a pointer for me only, they may have totally missed the point.
Karma is such a big issue and every single person should consider to give it some importance.
Yogananda has an interesting chapter in "The Second Coming of Christ" about how Karma came about or may have come about in the material world. Just in case you'd like to look further into that. But anyway, it's all part of the "Grand design" of the Infinite.
This looks like an interesting short write-up...
"As human beings, we automatically find ourselves materially entangled, and Yoga provides us with "direction on how to progressively advance along the spiritual path to a full spiritual awakening." In order to understand Karma Yoga and advance spiritually, we must first gain an understanding of Karma and how our actions have consequences. - Karma is very much tied to the topic of reincarnation or "transmigration of the soul."
"Karma literally means action," and this is a very significant concept that we need to consider seriously. There is an unavoidable problem with Karma.
But now as for my personal signs I mentioned above...
I had drawn an oracle card that points to "Past Lives" no less than Seven times within less than 10 days or so. And between the 5th time, which was when I first had posted about it, to the 7th time, sequentially, so, three days in a row.
First, here's what the card says:
"You are an old soul who has journeyed through many different lifetimes and gained deep knowledge on your way. There may be people you still hold karmic agreements with. Clearing these agreements is now possible and this will allow you to move forward on your path.
It may be time for you to remember the soul gifts that have been locked away and are now ready to be shared with the world. As an old soul, you have evolved over centuries. It is time for you to use your knowledge to awaken and ascend in this lifetime - and to help others do the same.
Spend some time sitting quietly in meditation, and look for the answers or the healing you need, or for it to help you unleash your hidden gifts. Your past lives hold treasures that can help you rise into your power and create the life of abundance, joy and freedom that you desire."
If you have noticed number patterns, or are familiar with the importance that numbers play in Creation and also in the awakening community, the following might be interesting to you.
Here a screenshot of my post at the 5th time the card had showed up. See the time: 15:55...
The text below by the way was from Boy George's song "Hare Krishna/Bow Down Mister".
Moreover, at the 7th time, which also was my 7th day of fasting, in addition to having drawn that same card for the 7th time, I had also picked this exact combination of cards for the second time in a row:
You're free to believe or disbelieve of course. Actually I had planned to record myself while picking the cards on that day, since I had almost expected for this, for the "Past Lives" card to come up again, and it would have added to credibility. But then I was so distracted from other things that I forgot about it. Only when I had picked the card, the last out of three I had picked from this deck, I was slightly surprised and then remembered about the video I had wanted to capture.
What was interesting in addition was that this deck contains 77 cards, and lots of the symbols on the cards actually have a character in them that looks like or simply is a 7. Such as for the one the on right...
And as you might know, the number Seven holds or seems to hold a lot of meaning and importance.
Karma has probably been written about a lot, but here also an interesting mention taken from "The Union of Isis and Thoth" (by Ellis/Scully):
"There is often a generational piece of karma that gets carried forward, and we must learn how to break the cycle with impeccability.
At this time nearly everything we've done as a planetary culture is backfiring, and it can't be reconciled until everyone is aware of the karmic dictum of free will, which expresses that actions must be performed without doing harm to self, others or the planet.
In any circumstance you have a choice. To choose not to do something is also a choice. How you choose to respond, in essence, determines your karma, and as we can see every time we turn on the television or pick up a newspaper, the repercussions are vast and in many cases devastating. Your actions will not necessarily keep a bad thing from happening to you - it is your resistance to the event that causes suffering. Loved ones will still die; we will still have accidents and experience problems with money - those are facts of life. However, your ability to accept whatever situation comes your way allows you to create a reality that you might prefer even as negative circumstances touch you.
You are not necessarily responsible for what happens around you, only for your reaction - or lack thereof."