An Introduction to Kabbalah
"Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה , literally "reception, tradition" or "correspondence": is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism."
"The Kabbalah is the science of creation and ascension. It is said to be the science of all there is. It is known as the Tree of Life and has been adopted by many religions over time with references found in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and the Hermetic sciences as well. Because of this, we find several different spellings like Cabala, Kabbalah, and Qabalah. It has been linked with Tarot cards, and many believe the 22 paths of the Kabbalah represent the 22 cards of the major arcana. The Kabbalah was written in Aramaic and predates Jesus, so it may very well be where he acquired some of his knowledge on God and the workings of the universe. The Kabbalah differs from most religions in the regard that God in the Kabbalah is all perfect and all good. In many religions, it's perceived that God has an attitude and that we must fear him. In many faiths, it calls for us to beg and plead to god so that he may show mercy to us. This is not how it is in the Kabbalah, but rather God is unchanging and pure love. He only loves and pushes us all to learn and grow. God in the Kabbalah is not a separate entity that is outside of you, but instead, God is apart of you, as he is all things ever created. In the Kabbalah, there are only 2 things, God and his creation, and they are one."
Here an excellent book I came across that offers some basic concepts:
"Basic Concepts in Kabbalah" by Ray Michael Laitman PhD.
You can even download the pdf for free.
I listened to it as an audiobook, which is great. (You can also get it for free at audiobookbay.)
Some excerpts:
"As we attain higher spiritual levels, we receive larger portions
of Light until we reach levels where we can receive all the Light (ab-
solute, infinite delight) that was destined for us from the dawn of
Every soul is surrounded by spiritual Light. Although beginners
in Kabbalah may not understand what they are studying in the
authentic sources, their powerful desire to understand evokes the
Upper Force that surrounds them, and the effects of this Upper
Force purify and thus elevate them.
If not in this life, then in the next, every person will feel the
need to study Kabbalah and to receive knowledge about the Creator.
The Light surrounds the human soul from the outside until
one reaches a spiritual level where the Light begins to permeate it.
The reception of the Light within depends only on one's desire and
readiness, and on the purity of one's soul.
However, during one's studies one utters the names of the Sefirot,
the worlds, and the spiritual actions connected to one's soul.
Thus, the soul receives micro-doses of Light from the outside, a light
that gradually purifies the soul and prepares it to receive spiritual
energy and