Can The God Of Love Also Deceive & Fool People?


"You are the king's son.
Why do you close yourself up?
Become a lover.

Do not aspire to be a general
or a minister of state.

One is a boredom for you,
the other a disgrace.

You have been a picture on a bathhouse wall long enough.
No one recognizes you here, do they? 

God's LION disguised as a human being.
I saw that and put down the book I was studying.

There is no early and late for us.
The only way to measure a lover
is by the grandeur of the beloved.

Judge a moth by the beauty of its candle.
SHAMS is invisible because he is inside sight.

He is the intelligent essence
of what is everywhere at once, seeing. 

~Poem by Rumi and/or Shams

So, might my mention recently in one of my podcasts about Rumi having been a woman turn out to be false? Shams, whom Rumi venerated and "loved", does seem to impossibly have been the "husband" of Rumi, as I had mentioned, since this poem seems to make things clearer as for who Shams might be instead.

And what does the Lion-symbolism mean? Who is Shams that is everywhere at once, seeing?

Why is it that there are SO many contradictions with many of the big mysteries, and how come there are so many falsities that are being presented by Lightworkers - or people in general - as "'THE' TRUTH", often without an apparent openness as to a willingness to listen to "alternative truths" or "true truths"?

Might the name "Shams" also refer to the term shams that have been consciously perpetrated for various if not PLENTY of reasons as part of the entire Great Awakening scheme? Also check out my podcast-type of uploads that I just started recording the other day.

Also do consider SHARING with any and everyone if you feel that this post here and the above-linked podcast(s) resonate with your own experiences and so on. Thank you from the Mother Goddess and from Yves in particular!

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