Ageless Wisdom


"The ancient Egyptians believed that through the practice of using clear intention, the resolution of karma, breathing exercises, sacred prayerful meditation, chant practice, physical exercise, light-filled organic food and fluid regimes - the density of the physical body would transfigure into sacred radiance. Thus, the individual could become a 'shining one', assisting the dream of the eternal beings of Light to create paradise on Earth." ~Stewart Pearce "Keys to Paradise"

"What is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether?" ~Khalil Gibran "The Prophet" 

"Live like there is no tomorrow

Breathe as though you have the Universe within you

Dance as though no one is watching

Laugh as though no one is listening

Sing the song of your soul for all to hear

Talk as though each moment were sacred

Smile with the love of an Angel

Think with the grace of Heaven

Feel with the might of the Galaxy

Move with the capacity of the Noble

Love like you've never been hurt

Be kind, even when others may not be."

"If, each day, we pledge to make our lives better than when we first began them; if, each hour, we fully open our hearts in kindness to one another; if, each minute, we truly can unfold our arms to the miracle of creation, making life more beautiful than when we first found it; if, each second, we give an act of love, intended to inspire someone else to do the same - we give a gift to immortality. Each time we give an act of love, the energy field of our heart beacons a light so bright that a Temple of Paradise is created and the gates therein spring wide." ~Stewart Pearce "A Heart's Notice" & "Keys to Paradise"


"When we plant a tree, we need three things, soil, seed and the will to complete the task. But not all is as it seems, for the soil is of Love, will is of the Mind and the seed is all Emotion.

The Tree that results, at times end, will be an image of Emotion frozen by the will within the substance of God.

Pure Wisdom is always Emotional; it is the Forgotten Feeling path of The Supreme Oneness." ~channelled by Justin Moikeha Asar

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