"The origin of the Trinity is obvious to anyone who will observe the daily manifestations of the sun. This orb, being the symbol of all Light, has three distinct phases: rising, midday, and setting. The philosophers therefore divided the life of all things into three distinct parts: growth, maturity, and decay. Between the twilight of dawn and the...
Rumi Meets G.
"Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build not destroy. Bring My people home."
"Earth is as school for mastering how to manipulate Energy." ~Dolores Cannon
Not being affiliated with any religion myself, how could a text like ACIM have become interesting to me?
"Ordinarily, hierarchy is regarded in the negative sense as a ladder or a vertical power structure, with power concentrated at the top. - But for the warrior, discovering hierarchy is seeing the Great Eastern Sun reflected everywhere in everything. You see possibilities of order in the world that are not based on struggle and aggression. In other...
Yesterday was the 1st of April, "Fool's Day"...
Winds Of Change
The elements and their meanings or impact they can have on life, metaphysically, is a topic you might frequently come across when learning about higher truths.
Making of a Prophet
No human holy book can lead a man to the pathway of a Messiah. Most humans don't understand what it takes to receive a prophetic anointment. Overall, you must become life, and even abide in the wilderness of life. You must go through hell, while God is holding you up, especially holding your hand, and walking beside you.
After my long blog post about Earth's Major Cycles & Current Transitions, here finally a deeper dive into predictions that seem to agree with many of the main-points presented there.
My 40-Day-Water Fast
I just finished a 40-day-water fast last weekend. Which by the way is what would help explain why I kept postponing posts I've been wanting to write that require some more work (and thought).
My previous Covid-related post was based off of an article from Collective Evolution and this one will be as well. This time referring to two of their articles, namely:
The Greatest Secret
"And when we recognize this... ultimate happiness is established permanently, and forever. And with its establishment comes immortality, unlimitedness, imperturbable peace, total freedom and everything else that everyone is seeking." ~From "Happiness is Free" by Lester Levinson